Rehearsal Attendance and Absences

To strike an appropriate balance between safety and functionality, NSYWE will continue to have the following Attendance and Illness policies in place.

To achieve maximum benefit of my participation in the Nova Scotia Youth Wind Ensemble, I will attend all rehearsals, sectionals, and concert performances. If a conflict arises that would make me arrive late or not at all, I must request permission from Hope Gendron by e-mail
( or text (902-497-3297) as soon as I become aware of the conflict.

Late Arrival
I will be considered to have arrived late if I am not seated and ready to play 15 minutes before the rehearsal start time. As soon as I determine that I will arrive late, I will text Hope Gendron (902-497-3297) immediately to explain my delay. If I cannot explain my late arrival to the NSYWE’s satisfaction on two separate occasions, I could be taken off the NSYWE roster, with no refund of registration fees.

If you feel ill or have flu like symptoms,  do not come to rehearsal.

You will be excused for the rehearsal.

You do not have to miss the whole weekend. If you feel you can attend part of the weekend, it is advisable.

Please notify Hope Gendron (902) 497-3297 if you can not attend.

Flu shots and Vaccinations are strongly recommended.

Masking will not be mandatory. You may wear a mask if you wish.

Hands should be sanitized or washed frequently.
This is especially important right after playing and before heading to the snack table.

Individual packaged snacks and fruit will be provided this season.

Breaks and Lunch
Socialize outdoors whenever possible.

We will continue to monitor public health advisories and remain flexible throughout the season to have a safe and healthy environment.

Thank you for your cooperation!